Weight loss
The Cold That Revs Up Your Metabolism
Successful, permanent weight loss only occurs with an increase in metabolism. In the Whole Body Cryo Chamber, the outer layer of skin’s temperature is reduced to between 41°F and 50°F. Your body responds by a boost in your metabolism and literally “burns” up calories by speeding up to literally “warm you up.” Clients should also incorporate a healthy diet and exercise plan to assist with their weight loss journey.

Our Whole Body Cryotherapy
Successful weight loss only occurs with an increase in metabolism. Without that increase, you join the ranks of 98% of all dieters who, after five years, gain all the weight back and then some. Only a 2% success rate, and that’s the “weight loss” worlds dirty little secret. Remember that optimizing metabolism is critical to achieving your ultimate weight loss goal.
In the Whole Body Cryo Chamber, we shock the outer layer of your skin with extreme cold temperatures. Again, your body responds by speeding up to literally “warm you up.” That increased speed translates to a boost in your metabolism and literally “burns” up calories as, over time, you return to your normal, warmer body temperature. This accelerated metabolism lasts for approximately 5-8 hours and can burn an additional calories during that time.
Join us at our convenient
location in Lincoln Park. Cross streets
are Sheffield and Wrightwood.
always available on Lincoln Ave.