The Cold That Soothes
With Whole Body Cryotherapy, inflammation through the entire body is reduced and in some instances, put out. With Local Cryotherapy, any individual area in the body can be immediately treated and the anti-inflammatory benefits can be both seen and felt immediately.
The cold Cryotherapy temperatures trigger your body to release anti-inflammatories to be released throughout your blood finding and soothing the affected areas.

How Cryotherapy Fights Inflammation
Chronic, rampant inflammation throughout the body (it never turns off) is aging us and is the precursor to a myriad of diseases, which include heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and diabetes. With Whole Body Cryotherapy, the flame through the entire body is reduced and in some instances, put out. With the hand held wand, any individual area in the body which requires more specific attention, can be immediately treated and the anti-inflammatory benefits can be both seen and felt immediately.

Join us at our convenient
location in Lincoln Park. Cross streets
are Sheffield and Wrightwood.
always available on Lincoln Ave.